Wednesday 17 March 2010

Double Page Spread Drafts

First Draft
The first draft of my DPS showed that the main heading Ghetto Rgadolls,was lower down at the bottom of the page, with quite small font size for a main heading, and the images were over edited. The main image was extremely cartoon-like, because of the over blurring of their faces. Overall the first draft was just the starting point in order to make it better.

Second Draft
The changes that I made from the first draft include, re-editing the image again, this time making sure not to over blur the image, I decided not to make any drastic changes to do with editing like changing eye and hair colour, because I wnated the models to look as natural as possible. Also I moved the top line of the main heading to the top and made the size bigger.

Third Draft
Although I have made changes the most of the changes were good however the moving of the top line of the main heading to the be placed above the models, made the whole page have extra unnecessary space, therefore I decied to move the entire main heading to the top, which made the page look beeter as there was less space, and it showed off the full image of the models.

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